Tuesday, March 25, 2014

What game would you like to redesign?


    Most people like a lot of games but most of the games that are made are not perfect and could add more things.Some games this year they have made it to feel like real life but not even those games have all the things you can do in life like jumping of a rocket which is in space wearing and wing suit and gliding all the way down to the ground which would be really cool but can't happen in games.The game I am talking about is Grand Theft Auto 5.I am not saying that it is a bad game but it would be really fun to do these things in the game and a lot of people would agree that this would make the game more realistic and more fun to play.


Well I think that they should make this a new feature in Grand Theft Auto 5 because it would be really fun to do things that you can't do until your older regardless of drinking or any type of bad things.But like riding military objects sky diving and other things like that.

Would you like to redesign Gta 5?

Think of any ideas that you would like to redesign in any game

Monday, March 10, 2014

Did Aliens Make These Statues?


In easter island there are these mysterious statues that no one knows how they were moved there but they are there.These statues have been there for over 1,000 years.What if aliens are real?

I believe that the aliens made this statues because how would ordinary people just like us be able to move or make these gigantic statues that is the same as holding 50 cars.So aliens must be real.

So the statues are still a mystery and most people want to know if the aliens are real or not this is why the statues are still a mystery.Will the world ever find out who made this statues or not.

Do you think the aliens made these staues? 

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Call of Duty Ghosts


Call of duty is a very fun game and there is lots of killing and blood.Which means this is a M rated game and that a lot of people will by this game and this game is $50 dollars I know this because I own this game.This a very good game to play with your friends.


    My opinion on this game is that its really fun to play with your friends and  its a challenge and it feels like a war in the game there's explosions,gun shoots,and lots of puddles of blood so this a game for me.

        Top Ten Describable Words

      2.war game
      4.M rated  
      6. fun
      9.bad language
     10.fun story


I think that this game is very fun if you have friends to play with even if you don't it is still very enjoyable to play by your self because of how the makers of this game planned this game and how realistic they made the game seem so if don't want to get this game well I think you should.